
and they can try to put you down, wear you out

Untitled 2 is such a nice song. Just saying. Aidan and I were lab partners today, when we were experimenting with melting/cooling points and compound sizes, and it was awesome because nothing felt strained or anything anymore. I don't know what happened, but suddenly everything flows between us and just rushes, and .. it feels nice. We laughed a lot together, about clamping stopwatches to retort stands, retard stands, about getting the melting point right back to 69. During lunch we played with the broken stand, and talked about salad, and he accidentally knocked his container of salad onto the ground. He had the most hilarious yelp ever. And then we scrambled to pick up all the lettuce leaves. I was saying that I had to go to the bank, and he kept mishearing me and at one point he thought that I said "the Bay", at which he said he'd come too. Which went off to buying sweater vests with A's embroidered on them, for Allison and Aidan, or Awesome, or Amazing, or Apple-eating, or Astronomical, or Angry salad eaters, or Ass-kicking. We then went to go watch dodgeball to watch Lindsay's team play, but they got owned with a capital 'O'. B7? More like P7, for pwned! We went on a "mission" to rescue our backpacks (which we had secured to the broken stand) from the position Henry had put them in: in the stand cases. So, we elaborately moved the stand onto a stack of chairs, and then finally took it off and had a lot of trouble moving the bags off of the stand. It was a funny time. Then, I meant to place the stand firmly onto a chair, but it bounced weirdly and hit Henry, which could have broken his arm, but not really. We then realized that we could pull people on chairs using the stand, so I pulled Aidan, and he pulled me on it, and I laughed a lot today.

It was all the way it should be, like if some kind of electron moved back into place, no longer causing a temporary polar charge, and placing balance back in the world.

listening to: tbtf - kevin drew

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