
let's hug it out

I really enjoy being on the golf team. This weekend was really fun, despite the fact that I am still playing kinda shitty and my throat feels like it's swollen to twice its size. It is painful. But anyways .. one of the guys' birthdays was on Saturday, so after our round we got ready and headed out first to a pub called Mojo's (we were in Lethbridge, by the way) to watch the preseason hockey game. Kenny just kept getting shot after shot after shot. We estimated that he drank probably fifteen. Tim got Katie and me (since we are rookies) "initiation shots" that tasted like candy. He then bought us each another drink. Mine was a double vodka with lime .. which was pretty good. That plus the shot plus a previous shot beforehand made me kind of tipsy. After we paid our massive bill and Kenny puked on the ground, Lauren, Blake, Katie, Ashley, and I went to the McDonald's drive-thru to get some food. We ended up sitting on a bench in the lobby chowing down. Blake or Ashley found a random bag of chips in a bed of flowers so we ate some of those. After the McFlurries, cheeseburgers, and fries were finished, we went to the club in our hotel. It was such a blast .. we were dancing, and a couple of the guys bought us two more shots (one was pretty gross with cinnamon in it). Tim kept yelling at me that I was the shit. Katie and I headed back to the hotel at one in the morning, I downed five glasses of water, and woke up fine. My game was slightly better but I really need to improve. Honestly. Katie and I got driven home by Blake with Kenny, and they kept picking up on random parts of our conversations, which were already really random. It was a blast.

So yeah .. that plus the fact that the girls think the things I say are hilarious make me like them a lot. Hopefully I go to Idaho next weekend because it's so much fun being around them.

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