
you were made for love, well i'm just made

People left my house a while ago, but I'm still radiating happiness from how this evening went down. It was supposed to be a Wii party, but we ended up playing Wii for a very short period of time. People tried to guess who I was in the pictures, Diana was wrong for the most recent picture. They looked at my room and laughed at how I owned basically nothing in it. We ate my mom's macaroni and cheese, and all of the chips, and the popcorn, and the cake. We played charades, which was really fun, and talked about really awkward things. We just talked, and Facebooked, and I had a really good time. I wish I could people over at my house more often.

Oh, and I'm trying to say "th". I've never felt so self-conscious about it, but suddenly I notice every time I have to say it and how bad it sounds.

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