Things have been rather a blur this past week. First off, I am going to Germany in a mere two days! It doesn't seem that long ago when we were exclaiming that there were only forty more days, thirty more days, and now it's right around the corner. It almost seems surreal. I have no idea what expect! Well I am expecting it to be the best time of my life, actually. I really hope it is. After what has happened and the things I have been feeling, I need a super major uplift. One as bright as the sun.
A brief recap of things that happened this week: Monday I went out for lunch with Amanda, Natalie, and Mikki in Kensington. It was a riot. I hung out with Heather that afternoon and we went to the Camera Store. I bought a Gorilla Pod. She almost bought a Holga. Which reminds me, I should ask her if she ever picked it up or not. Anyways. On Tuesday I did my dramatic monologue in English, which made me really nervous but it went well in the end. On Wednesday I goofed around in chemistry because Zwicker was watching our class, and it was basically a period to do whatever you want. We all played with my Gorilla Pod because it is just that much fun. I had a golf lesson that night and stayed up till one studying for chemistry and English. I wrote a test in chemistry first period on Thursday and watched Jessica and The Throwaways play for Battle of the Bands. They were good. On Friday, which was yesterday, I went to the mall with Mikalina to buy stuff in preparation for Germany. We ran into so many people that we knew! We also had to go to about seven stores to buy black pants before finally finding a good deal in Garage. Who would've thought, Garage! Anyways. I also got a pair of black flats, batteries, a disposable camera, and a prepaid Visa. You know what blows? $20.25 US is about $25.10 Canadian. My prepaid Visa was $25.00 Canadian. I was ten cents short to buy the hard copy of Metric's new album! I just settled for the digital copy. From the mall we walked to Mikki's house, which felt like the longest walk ever because my feet were sore and my shoulders were tired. We worked on the scrapbooks for our host families, and they are coming along quite nicely! It is a good thing Mikki is so artsy. We ate greasy pizza and listened to High School Musical via Youtube to try to get A Mighty Fortress Is Our God out of our heads. We ended the night watching Mary Poppins. It was so much fun!
Today I work, and I have to get a haircut sometime before Monday. Which means either tonight (hopefully) or Sunday. We'll see! I am so excited!!!