
i'm not sorry i've got nothing to say

Holy man alive it is hot. I am sitting in my friend's room right now, typing this up and sweating up a storm. My brain is really lagging because of the fact that I only had three hours of sleep last night. I'm usually one of those people who sleep for eight or nine hours. Blame it on Taboo and really good friends.

The past two days have been quite exciting. They might even be good enough to write about. I slept over at my friend's new house last night, along with a couple of other friends. We spent most of the night outside on her porch, huddled in blankets underneath a starry sky. My friend, Maggie, can tell the most hilarious stories. It was extremely relaxing, until the mosquitoes started biting. We then hung around in the house while the rest of my friend's family slept. I really hope we weren't too loud. Maggie and I ended up playing Taboo, minus the timing and scorekeeping. Sometimes we were really good at guessing the word. Example: "Maggie, if you think a guy is a hottie, you could also say he was a ..."
We managed to get the word "babe" in a second too.

By the time I had started thinking about sleeping, the sun was beginning to rise. We hung out on her roof, while it was shady. We ate outside on her porch again, and I just realized that these people are probably the few people I could spend a comfortable silence with. I'm hanging out at my (other) friend's house right now, and we just spent a good half an hour not having something to say to each other. And I was okay with that.

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