
and everyone must breathe until their dying breath

I guess when you're bored, you're pretty much compelled to write something. As the case for me. So, without further ado, here are three completely (?) true things about myself.
  1. I've had a couple people tell me that I have good music taste. I really don't. The whole reason I got into the music I'm into is because my older sister updated my iPod for me. And I didn't have any other source of music, so I just went to the flow. And if my sister didn't give me the music, people who do have good music taste recommended it to me. I don't think I've actually found any good music on my own.
  2. I spent six or seven years playing the piano. Those were very, very tough years. Our piano teacher was extremely strict, and if you weren't playing well, you were in trouble. I can remember several lessons where I'd leave either very, very angry or almost (or already) in tears. Thanks to our strict 1-hour-a-day practices, piano lessons, and perseverance, though, I won a lot of Kiwanis music competitions. In fact, in every competition I entered (except in level two), I got either second or first place. I've got a whole lot of scholarships from piano too. And, in 2000, I had the highest exam mark in level five in the entire province. So, what did I do after I finished level eight? I quit piano for sports. However, I still have to do several piano-related things in my house. For example, I have to help my younger siblings with their ear training. Last year, I taught my brother his preliminary theory. He scored a 97%. Also another fact: out of everyone on my mom's side, including our family, every single person who took piano finished their level eight but one.
  3. I'm absolutely terrible at finding the right things to say. It's probably because I haven't experienced nearly enough things to be able to understand the situation. Instead, I just search for the right things to say in lyrics. Sometimes you can find the exact things you need to hear in a song. Plus, they get the whole poetry thing going on, so not only are the words right, they sound really good too.
Oh, and I really like the name Abbey. It sounds like a name that could match someone with a fantastic personality.

listening to: somewhere i know there is nothing - chad vangaalen

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