
or did i turn myself against myself

I figured today that since I didn't have to golf, I'd sleep in and just relax. So I woke up at 9:00. Brilliant. Outside, a car alarm has been going off for at least fifteen minutes, and it has to be the most annoying sound ever. Everyone in the neighborhood can probably hear it, so SHUT IT OFF. Holy god. I think an alarm went off a couple days ago too. And now it's finally shut off.

I don't really have anything to say, but I kind of want to keep writing. I'm not a good talker. My brain doesn't work so that I can think of topics right on the spot, and so whenever I have a conversation with someone, there is usually a lot of awkward silences. Unless the person I'm talking to is a fantastic talker, and can keep the conversation going on no matter what. I like listening a lot more; I have opened up my message history with a close friend, where we have hundreds and hundreds of conversations, and she's usually the one talking. The things I'll say are like "lol" or "hahaha" or "yeahhh". But she has a lot of stuff to rant about.

The fact that I don't really like to talk kind of scares me, because I always think when I hang out with someone, "what if it ends up being totally awkward, and that person doesn't enjoy the time we spent, or thinks that I'm an awful person?" Wow, I have a lot of insecurities. And mosquito bites.

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