
the day the music died

Guess how I woke up today?

My sister punched me in the face while she asleep. At 5:38 in the morning.

I had to wake up at 6:00 anyways, because of golf. Today I feel like I'll be able to talk about my round. Why? Because I played a lot better than I did yesterday. I don't know if I can attribute it to me, or the clubs I used today. They were used Ping G2's, which probably won't mean anything to you, but they are so much better than my own clubs. I was only demoing them today, though, and they cost $600. Which is really expensive for us. I really hate the fact that my friend, Allison, just pointed at a set of brand new, thousand dollar Pings and got them, and my dad probably won't get me these clubs. I want to get a job now, so I can buy them. My older sister figured that I just had to work three weeks to pay off the clubs. But the thing is, I need those clubs now. I still have two days of tournament play, and I won't be playing with those Pings. Just when my game was getting better.

I finished reading Extremely Close and Incredibly Loud by Jonathan Safran Foer. What an amazing book. It is so sad, yet so well written. I love it. If you ever get the chance, please read it. You'll be glad.

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