
can you be my dream, i could have you every night

Somehow things worked out, and I managed to see Gavin earlier than six today. We went out disc golfing, which I am terrible at, but Gavin was patient and tried to help me out. Eventually some things worked and it wasn't as terrible to play. We played 18 holes, the nine holes over again, before heading back to his house for dinner. As we drove home, we passed under a cloud that poured rain, and in the mirror we could see blue skies behind us.

After dinner, we decided to do some recording. We made up a chorus to go with a song he wrote a long time ago. We took a long time setting things up because .. things kept getting in the way. I love distractions. After an hour, we finally got everything done. We went out after to watch the sun set, and it was absolutely beautiful.

I can't believe how much I'm in love with you. I can't see me without you. Nothing is as familiar as your heartbeat, nowhere is as at home as in your arms, no song rings a bell like the rise and fall of your voice. You are the candle in the dark, the brightest star in the sky, the one I dream about, the only person I ever want kissing me because I just love kissing you.

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