
you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet

I saw Jessica today, we went to Oolong and talked and sweltered in the heat. I had a lot of fun. She is so easy to talk to! For some reason, I'm always afraid we won't have much to say, but then I see her and I just can't shut up. She makes me laugh, and things just flow so easily. I'm glad we did it.

I worked after I hung out with her, and it was actually quite pleasant! I got there an hour before I was supposed to work, because my mom had to drive my brother to piano lessons. And then I saw Adam, and we talked and caught up. I haven't seen that guy in forever! Ed and I went to have a long drive competition, and he beat me with one arm. I got to talk to Dave a lot more today, and he gave me a whole bunch of clubs to hit and it was cool. During work, it was really slow, so I just watched the Olympics online. It was sweet. Thank goodness for the internet!

He texted me today, it was the first time we've talked in nine days. I really wasn't expecting it! He'll be back in about three days, and it was nice to read his words and have some contact with him.

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