
we're all just sleeping around

My feet hurt. I like spending time at the golf course, despite the fact that we really don't do much there at all. Today I played interclub at Country Hills, and I played a decent 86. I had lunch with all of the other girls and won low net. I also got a free headcover for playing interclub! After interclub, Christie and I played another nine holes with some random people, and it was fun. I couldn't stop talking to her. We stopped taking practice swings and we'd finish conversations between shots. I shot exactly what I had shot on that nine in the morning. We then hung around the clubhouse for another hour. Doing what, I don't really know. We just walked around everywhere. But it was fun.

Last night, after band practice, I hung out with Gavin. We watched some of the women's diving, and then went to the mall to look at phones. He is so cute. When we were going into the mall, we went through Designer Depot, and he complained that they would think that he was whipped. And then he said that he was whipping me, so I refused to hold his hand and we walked on separate sides of the hall. While we were walking, he got closer and closer until he gave me a hug and I finally grabbed his hand. After we went back to his house and watched Olympic volleyball. I hate leaving him. He is going to Cirque Du Soleil tonight and I'm going to Mikalina's, and although I am excited to see Mikki and Cailey tonight, I still want to be with him right now.

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