
i found my place in the wishing well

Guys!  My mom is leaving to go to China tomorrow!  I accomplished something that really should be something small but it means so much to me.  I'm taking great steps to get away from who I was, and as a result I'm becoming more of who I used to be.  And I am quite happy!  Boy has my life been such a roller coaster.  Sometimes I go back and read my previous entries, and I just sound really crazy.  Man.

I opted to stay home and watch disc one of 30 Rock instead of hanging out with people.  Maybe it was because Gavin invited me and I've been kind of resisting.  Sometimes it's just easier to hide away for a little while, you know?  But we're okay and it does feel easy to talk to him.  There's just a lot of times now when I don't really want to talk to him.  I think I just need space, because we have still been interconnected even through everything we've been through.  Is all of this healthy?  I have no idea, but I really don't mind.

Anyways, some anecdotes.  Today in chemistry, Mr. Schrottner was gone so Mr. Brownlee, our student teacher, was in charge.  It was a work period anyways.  Since none of us could really remember his name (I thought it was Mr. Bradley), I decided to just call him "Bro", because it was the first three letters of his last name.  And we said it in a dumb surfer voice.  Anyways, while he passed me in the hallway during lunch, he called me "Seto", which didn't phase me at all until he pointed it out.  He told me that he'd start calling me Seto since I was calling him Bro.  Then, during class, we got a talk about Aids Awareness and I said I'd wear red pants, and Mr. Brownlee stated that my purple pants I wore yesterday were obnoxious.  And that I was obnoxious.  Which hurt!  Well, not really, but I told him that I wasn't going to talk to him for the rest of the class.  At one point, he sat in the desk in front of me to try to get me to talk to him, but I just pulled my desk back.  And then later he took my calculator and typed "IM SORRY" on it.  I didn't talk to him until the very end of class.  It was pretty fun.

Also, there is a guy in band who came here from China.  Have I mentioned this before?  Anyways, the first day he was in band class, we had a conversation and ended up taking the same bus home.  So on Thursday, he came up to me after band class and asked if I would take the bus home with him.  Unfortunately, I was staying to watch the volleyball game (our senior girls owned!), and so he asked if I would take the bus with him next week and I agreed.  It was sweet!

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