It's been almost a week since I've posted on here, and honestly it feels kind of weird. I always check to see how many visitors I had that day, and I always check my blog to see who updated their blog, but I never bother to write anything. I'm not taking as many pictures either. I'm just getting a bit tired of trying to relive my past. It's so much easier to just sit back and live. Don't take me wrong, I still absolutely love taking pictures, but I never feel like taking pictures of things that have been happening, like at parties or get togethers. I just like preserving images. Whenever I'm on the c-train, or anywhere outside, my mind likes to see everything like a photograph I should take. I don't know. I wish I lived a more interesting life, where my pictures could actually mean something.
This past week has been pretty eventful. I'll try to condense it as much as possible. I went out somewhere every day after school except for on Monday. On Tuesday I stayed after school and scorekept girls' basketball. Both our teams lost, but watching the junior team play was absolutely brutal. It was like watching grade seven basketball all over again; nobody knew how to run plays, everyone just flung the ball at the hoop whenever they had the chance, and it was just overall terrible.
On Wednesday we didn't have choir, so Mikki and I headed downtown to do some Christmas shopping. We went to Nation, Looks Could Kill, Shisomiso, and Uppercase in Art Central. We went around TD square looking for a store that sold icecream scoopers, but we had no luck. I should have studied math a lot harder that night, but I didn't. The next day at school I wrote my conics test and it sucked royally. I've never done so bad on my math test, but at least I get to replace it.
We found out that we didn't have band after school Thursday, so I went Christmas shopping to get more things. I first went to Kensington and tried to look for some stuff, but I didn't get anything. Plus it was really cold outside. I went back to the train to head downtown. A woman came and sat across from me. She asked for a kleenex, and then a quarter. When we reached downtown, she asked if I could hold the door for her while she paid for a transit fare, so I did and when we both went back to our seats, we started talking about a lot of things. She is taking fine arts and humanities, or something like that. We talked about our families, which were really contrasting with their views on education and stuff, which then led to so many things. I wish that we could have talked more, but I had to get off the train. I am so terrible with names, though, so I can't remember what hers was. Plus, I was trying to get off the train before it left the platform. My brain is so bad with concentrating. I bought Mikalina's present and then headed back to the university to meet Kate and Brittany for Oklahoma!.
The walk to MacEwan Hall was terrible. I was so cold, and it felt like forever. I ate dinner in Mac Hall, and then met up with Kate and Brittany. Okalahoma! was pretty interesting. They all had western twangs so Brittany and I could hardly tell what anyone was saying. And we only got the gist of the plot. The singing and acting was really good, but the plot kind of sucked. When I got home, I had to frantically finish my CALM homework and then wrap presents. I ended up going to bed at three in the morning.
Friday was awesome because we didn't have to do anything in class and periods were so much shorter. After school was done, we headed to Megan's house. We walked with Gavin up to the train station. I ended up talking to Gavin the entire time we walked with him, and it was really nice. I love talking to him. I gave him a hug before he left, and today he told me he was glad that I did, because our very first hug was on the last day of school last year. I was amazed that he remembered that, because I didn't even realize it until he mentioned it.
Anyways, the walk to Megan's was a million times worse than the walk to the university. Mainly because it was probably a half hour walk. My legs stung, and then I couldn't really feel them anymore. When we finally reached her house, the insides of my legs first went burning out, and then freezing cold. It felt like if there was ice water flowing through my veins. I couldn't stop shivering and I was so cold for so long. I just can't take this temperature. Gift exchange was really fun, I really like the stuff that I got. While we were having lunch, Megan made a weird facial expression which set Cailey and Mikki off. They couldn't stop laughing for five minutes straight. After that, we all calmed down for a bit, but then suddenly they started laughing again, and Cailey's laugh is so funny when she's laughing hard that I started to laugh. And everyone was laughing, and we couldn't stop. My stomach was in so much pain, but whenever I heard Cailey laugh, I would laugh. I was on the ground laughing, and it was so ridiculous. We spent fifteen minutes laughing basically because somebody else was laughing. I went to the kitchen and tried to pour a cup of milk, but even that was a hard task because I didn't want to spill the milk while I was laughing. It was absolutely crazy. I've never laughed so hard in my life.
After that, we all got pretty tired from laughing. I went to work, and it was pretty dead. When I got home, I showed my sister the game of Pickup Sticks that Cailey got me, so my sisters and I started playing that. It was intense; our family's pretty much all about competition, and we always want to win. After that, we played again with my brother. Every time he messed one up, he'd hit the other ones and ruin the game for us. Well, him ruining the game made me win the game.
Today I worked, and it wasn't too bad. It was pretty busy for most of the day, which occupied my time. After work I went to band practice at Gavin's, and we did some playing. After the other guys left and I was waiting for my dad to come, we talked and it just felt so easy. I'm so bad at making conversation sometimes, but nowadays with him I always have stuff to say. It's great. Right now life is great.