I think I've gone slightly crazy these past few days because of exams. I definitely crack under pressure. I get so nervous that anything that presses on my tongue triggers my gag reflex and it is terrible. Especially when you're trying to eat an egg and a banana for breakfast, and you are already not the biggest fan of either to begin with. My stomach really hurt because of all of that this morning. On top of that, my mind races when I'm trying to sleep, and I always stay awake for an hour or so thinking about the worst case scenario. And then I dream of equations and solving them. When I wake up, I'm so tired I could black out and I can't remember my dreams so I end up panicking because I don't know what the equation was or if I knew it. I'm pretty sure I make up all of the formulas in my head anyways. I think one night I figured out about Le Chetalier's Principles in my dream but I couldn't comprehend what I had learned once I woke up.
And then I get so stressed out during a test I can't even read properly. Seriously, it took me so long to realize what some questions were trying to ask. Or I would interpret the question wrong and it would take me fifteen minutes to do a question before realizing that I'm doing it all wrong. And all the while, my jaw is clenched because that's apparently what happens when I'm stressed out. Ten minutes left of my math exam and my head hurt from clenching my teeth so hard, seeing as I still had eleven or twelve questions left. Today in chemistry I think it was a bit better because I tried to speed up my thought process, but eventually I slowed down so I could try to understand some weird question about lead solid. Being reduced and reducing always messes me up. I'm really hoping I did alright. I can't afford anything but great.
By the way, I think the best part of exams are the periods between A and B, where everyone just hangs around. I love running into people and talking, and then just walking off and finding someone else. And just hanging out while eating a pound of lasagna and Kraft Dinner. I enjoy that very much.
Hey, only one more exam left now! I think I'll finally get a good night's sleep tonight.
listening to: at the bottom of everything - bright eyes