Currently, I should be starting on a powerpoint presentation for social studies, or studying for the unit test I will be having in biology, but I am deciding that I will combine the two things you read by me into one. Rest assured, this will not replace a note, because there are some things I'd rather say privately, but currently this feels like the only way to write this entry.
Right now I am listening to your CD. I am on the first song. "What's A Girl To Do," that's the title, right? I like it. I wish someday we can just sit down and have a long talk, I miss times like those. The other day, on the way home from band camp, I had a really good talk with one of my friends, and I learned so much about her! It was amazing. I had a BALLIN' time at band camp! It was much better than last year, when I knew nobody and spent the nights doing homework. No, this time we danced and talked, and sung until our voices were hoarse. And we did band rehearsals.
I dream about talking to people. You have popped up in my dreams once in a while. Other times, I'm just going through my day. When I was at band camp, one night when at 2 in the morning, we were talking and I was almost drifting into a sleep when suddenly I heard all this drumming in my head. Like, tribal music! It was so trippy. I got freaked out and I woke up.
Those Nexopia internet surveys irritate me SO much! I hate it when people have like a zillion of those things posted in their blogs. Like, they don't have any substantial to actually say? Those things are so superficial. I refuse to do them. I've only ever posted one of those, it was a "how dumb are you?" quiz, and I was only 6% dumb. But that was when I was in grade nine, and I have never posted another survey thing EVER after that.
I enjoyed the New Pornographers so, so much, it was amazing. My sisters and I got front row spots right in front of Dan Bejar. He's my older sister's favorite. Mine's Neko Case. I didn't think that any cameras would be allowed, because there were guys checking bags at the front. But I saw a lot of flashes, so I guess some people managed to get their cameras in.
Both of my sisters liked it, both of them were there. Did you not see them when we passed by to go home? Yes, my younger sister is so, so tall. We went to the doctor's today and she is in the 80th percentile regarding her height. I'm just below 50. I think her pants make her look taller too, for some reason. She just got them in Seattle, and they are skinny jeans, and for some reason she just looks so overwhelmingly tall in them. By the way, for some reason both of my sisters know you, and every time I talk about a friend, they always assume it's you. I go like, "so my friend ..." and then they're like "oh, is it that Abbey girl?" Yes, they call you that Abbey girl. Is that weird?
How soon is soon? Getting a tattoo sounds exciting, I wish I was brave enough to get one. Did I ever tell you that once I had a dream that I was getting a tattoo so some friends of mine (I don't even know who they were) could get change for french fries? I've never felt so shaky in my sleep! My back kept seizing up in my sleep, I don't know if it was actually doing that for real. I was getting the tattoo on the back of my neck. It was going to be an eighth note, because of a 6Teen episode I watched where one of the characters was really into music and was getting a tattoo for some reason, so he got an eighth note on his arm. Anyways.
I am on track five of the first CD right now. I can't believe you burnt two CDs! And that the first one has 20 tracks on it! That's unbelievable! Thank you so much for them. As of now, I have had three CDs burnt for me. Not including the one my cousin burnt for me when I was really young. It had the Backstreet Boys and O-Town on it. I really love burning CDs for people, even though it always takes me a long time to decide the track listing. I go through pretty much all of my songs on my iPod. Some songs I know immediately that I'm going to put it on a CD, no matter what, but some of them I take a double take and go, "hey, I think that would be so amazing for (the person receiving the CD)." You know what is awesome? Mix tapes. Tapes were so awesome. When my cousins and my siblings and I used to go skiing together, we'd bring our mix tapes and play them on the way there and back, and sing to them. I loved those ski trips. I remember listening to LFO. Have you ever heard the song "Girl on TV"?
I will answer the questions right now, you will get your questions (and some more writing) tomorrow:
1. Do you do drugs?
No, I do not do drugs. I used to take antihistamines when I was ten, because I used to have eczema and it would keep me up at night. They didn't work. I tried a lot of stuff to get rid of my eczema. I used to have to drink this powdered vitamin shit in water that was the GROSSEST STUFF EVER!!! God I hated it so much, and I had to drink a cup of it every single day for a whole summer.
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?
I use Pantene Pro-V, the conditioner makes my hair feel really, really smooth after I wash it! But really, I use whatever is on sale, because that's the only reason why my mom would buy it. I have such an Asian family, seriously.
3. What are you most scared of?
I'm not really sure. I have this weird fear of feet, but I don't think it's what I'm most scared of. But I HATE FEET! They creep me out, I don't know why, I don't like looking at them or touching them or anything. My siblings make fun of me for it and they always terrorize me with their feet. I hate it. I don't know. I guess I am kind of scared of dying. Not of death, but just how I die. What I'm sliced open, and that's the way I die? That's scary! Although it also sounds very cool.
4. What are you listening to right now?
Hey Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken! Track 8! I love this song. I haven't listened to Camera Obscura in awhile, although it's on my iPod. They are such an amazing band, I love their lyrics. I guess I would have to thank Heather for getting me into them.
5. Who was the last person that called you?
Heather was the last person I talked to, and I'm sorry if it was a terrible conversation, because I was really tired! Heather is the only person who ever calls me, it's a bit devastating. Just kidding. I'm not very good on the phone, talking in person is so much better. I'm getting a new cell phone in the next few weeks and I will be getting UNLIMITED EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS! Which is so much better than my old plan! Which means that I am going to have to totally take advantage of this situation! I don't know what kind of phone I want to get. I kind of want a Chocolate, but my friend said that they weren't very good. But, the white one looks so good! Looks vs Productivity, I don't know. It's a hard decision.
6. Where do you want to get married?
Why would you plan your wedding right now? That is ridiculous. What if you planned an underwater wedding when you're sixteen, and then when you are getting married, years later, it turns out that your fiance is afraid of water? Or, even worse, ALLERGIC to water? Then your dreams are shattered. And plus, who says I'll ever get married? The question should be, "Where WOULD you want to get married?" And I don't know. I don't think about these things. I'll tell you one thing, though: I wouldn't want a huge wedding. I've seen Bridezilla, and Rich Pride Poor Bride, and those weddings are ridiculous. Why would you spend so much money on something like that? Maybe eloping is a good option.
7. What would you change about yourself?
I don't know what I'd change. Maybe I'd make myself not exist. It would make so many people happier. Like, my parents. And my siblings. There would be so much more money for my family.
8. What are essentials in your life?
I'd have to say my friends, I honestly don't know what I'd do without them. This morning almost drove me nuts because I missed English, which is when I see all of my band friends. Instead, I had to go to the stupid doctor's! And my friends are the only reason why I like school. So, if I didn't have my friends, I would be a very, very sad person. Also, very lonely.
9. If you had the power to do any one thing, what would it be?
I would have to say that I'd want the power to go to any concert I wanted to. That would be so amazing! I'd want to see Final Fantasy this week, and Chad VanGaalen and Stars in November, and Kevin Drew in December. I'd also want to see Feist, because she is my ultimate favorite artist ever, and Darren Frank in Edmonton, and The New Pornographers ... again!! But then I'd wish that Broken Social Scene would get back together, because they would be such an amazing band to see live. I've read reviews! They sound like they're epic live!
10. What nationality are you?
This is really a question you want me to answer? I'm Chinese. Some people think I'm Japanese, because of my last name, but I assure you I am not. At band camp, there were a ridiculous number of times someone would say something that would infer a Chinese stereotype. It was really funny. Even the student teacher made some jokes about Chinese people.
11. Do you send out holiday cards each year?
Only to my grandparents, and they are hand drawn by ME. Because apparently nobody else in my family can make a decent card. I also make them cards for their birthday and for Mother's Day and Father's Day. It makes me sick of cards.
So anyways, this is a ridiculously long note-blog thing, wow! Hopefully I will have something to still write!
Love Allison
p.s. This is the very first time I have not used a song lyric for my title!
listening to: track 18. This song is in a commercial, isn't it? For Virgin Mobile?