
i like to write

It's honestly the only way I feel like I can actually admit everything in my brain. There is just such a beauty in being able to express yourself fully without being interrupted, and without having to care about what others will think until two days later when you realize you're an idiot. Sometimes when I'm talking, I feel like such an idiot because I can't ever think fast enough to coherently complete a sentence, and I always stumble over all of my words. But anyway. I got my short story back, and I am so proud of it. I love that story so much, and I actually cannot believe that I wrote it. I want to show it to everyone, not because I want to boast it but for some reason I just want to keep collecting everyone's opinions on it, I want to create a small pool of others' thoughts. I've never felt so good about something in my life; whenever I do something, like take a picture or write a poem, I always look back on it and analyze it until I no longer like it. But this ... no. I just want to be acknowledged for something, I guess.

Tomorrow is the last day of school, I don't know what I feel about this. It seems like time ran out a bit too fast. I still want to see people and speak to people, but my summer already looks way too busy.

listening to: wake up - arcade fire

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