
lucy in the sky with diamonds

I got my braces off on Wednesday, and then went to a party that night. Not going to lie, I felt pretty great .. the lack of braces + no glasses + wearing a dress and makeup really did wonders. It was a fun night! I talked to a lot of people I haven't seen in a while, and Riley and I spent a lot of time just sitting on the couch and talking about anything. What an easy conversation! I really miss that. On Christmas Eve, I just hung around the house a lot. After church, my siblings and I played Settlers of Catan before going to bed. My younger sister and I watched New Moon on my laptop at two in the morning, until I was way too tired to keep my eyes open. That movie was so boring I had to go to sleep halfway through it! Anyway. Christmas was as good as Christmas can get. My older sister got me a cardigan and a necklace, my parents and grandparents and aunt got me money, my brother got me mint chocolate, and my younger sister got me five non-judge cards and a disposable camera. We played a lot of Beatles Rock Band (that game rules!) and then headed off to my aunt's house for Christmas dinner with all of my cousins. During dinner my cousins kept refilling my glass of wine. After that, we played Taboo, guys versus girls and it was hilarious. My brother is pretty good at it! Then our moms made us take a family picture on the stairs, which was a gong show. We then all played Beatles Rock Band and it was crazy! It was so weird to hear all of your cousins belting out Come Together, and everything like that. But I loved it. I also love when all my cousins get together and do something as a unit, kind of like when we were little and all played basketball during the summer. What good times.

Yesterday I went out shopping on 17th Ave with my younger sister. We got some stuff from American Apparel, and then we went to Purr and everything was 50% off! We both got winter jackets. I helped her get eight dollars refunded when they accidentally overcharged for her jacket. We met up with my older sister after and shopped again at Purr, and then went to Farm for a quick dessert. I went to Amelia's house after dinner to hang out with Cailey, Mikki, Tess, and Amelia and to catch up. We played a Harry Potter trivia game and then just talked a lot. I found out some stuff about them I really didn't expect! When I got home, my sisters all hung out in my older sister's room and talked for like two hours. Which was really nice. I love my sisters and they are so hilarious and honest. This Christmas break rules.


well someone's a little cocky

I don't feel drunk right now but I kind of am, well my head feels really heavy and I keep misspelling things. Except the spell check red squiggly line always pops up so my writing is a lot more intelligent than I am right now. I had a fish bowl, Irish car bomb, bottle cap, and one and a half beers tonight. I should be called the champ because I am the champ at chugging drinks. Seriously. It was so much fun tonight seeing everyone again! I did a lot of yelling. And high fiving. That car bomb wasn't as bad as the waitress made it out to be! But yeah. Secret Santa was really fun too, I got a nice gift from Paul; an American Apparel sweater and the CD I put on my wishlist. Except the sweater is a little too big, so I"m going to exchange it for a different size. Maybe a different style, I'm not sure yet. Anyway. Today was a good day, from going shopping with my sister to making cookies at Kim's house, to the hot pot and gift exchange to the bar. Life has been really really good lately! And I think they'll just keep on coming!


i have the equipment for that

I went out for tea with Jessica today, it was the first time I've seen her since the second week of September! We had a good long talk about drinking adventures and just random stuff in general. I love hanging out with her! I don't know why, but I always worry that we won't have anything to talk about, and every time I'm wrong. She is just such a great person.

After we went into some stores in Kensington, and talked to Sheila while she was working, I headed back to the train station and met up with Grace to go to Kim's house for our Disney marathon. We watched Toy Story! And The Grinch Who Stole Christmas! Then we popped open the sparkling wine Bonnie brought outside in her backyard, because we shook the bottle just to pop the cork. It was freezing outside, but so beautiful. We had some drinks, Bonnie showed off her Asian glow, and then we watched 101 Dalmations and finished it off with The Lion King. Although we didn't get to finish either, because we spent some time talking about what's been going on with everyone. Which was totally fine, I loved it either way. I got home and found out that my anthro prof changed the grade distribution so my former B+ is actually an A-! I was so happy! I've got another busy day tomorrow, so I guess I'll head off to bed because it is already almost 1:00?! Crazy.


nom nom nom

I went over to Sheila's house today to get together with Natalie, Sheila, Amanda, Bronwyn, and Mikki for the first time since September. That's a long time to not see your best friends! But it was so much fun! It was very comfortable, like a cozy blanket you pull out when it's cold outside. Anyway. We went out to the Christmas lights in Confederation Park to take pictures. It was very cold. Mikki wiped out in the snow twice. The batteries in my camera died pretty fast. We stood in teepees lined with Christmas lights and spun around while staring at the top of them, causing extreme dizziness and lots of crashing and falling. We headed back to Sheila's house and ate corn dogs and drank hot chocolate. We took cheesy Christmas portraits, and then Sheila's dad let us use his D3000 so we had a lot of fun taking modelesque photos. I love taking pictures, and nice cameras, man oh man.

I can't believe how soon Christmas is coming up! I'm so glad I am done all of my exams, it's nice to not have to worry about that kind of stuff.

listening to: many lives -> 49 mp (live) - owen pallet*

it's so weird that it's now under Owen Pallett, instead of Final Fantasy! It's crazy!


trying to keep this alive

I think I have some stuff I want to remember, so I'm going to write it down here.

Yesterday I went with Mikki to Kaffa, and we stood at the door awkwardly waiting for Michael Bernard Fitzgerald to come meet us. That was a fun hour! He bought us tea/hot chocolate and we spent an hour just talking. He is so easy to talk to. I bet if we talked for longer, I would've managed to tell him my entire life story. Embarrassing. Anyway. We talked about university, travelling (Mikki to Asia, him to Australia back in the day), snuggies (for people and dogs), Harry Potter, watching movies by yourself, Tiger Woods, driving bands in vans, cameras, Beatles Rock Band and video games, working, tight jeans, yogurt, and probably a lot more that I can't remember anymore. He is a really nice guy. I then went home and really tried to study, but I just kept getting distracted. I stayed up until three in the morning trying to remember stuff about primates.

I don't want to remember what happened today. My finals ... aren't going too great. It's disappointing.

listening to: this city's a mess - said the whale


i'm allison,

I over think things to the point that they infect my dreams. I am terrified of awkward situations and falling down stairs. I appreciate people who make conversations easy. I also appreciate good hugs. If I love a song, I will play it 80 times in a row and still love it. My favourite thing in life is photography. I also golf, and I still like Tiger Woods. When I say I love you I mean it, and when you break my heart it hurts a lot. I've had a lot of people walk in and out of my life, so I find it hard to trust people. Sometimes I'm not even sure if I trust myself anymore. Sometimes I have no idea what I'm feeling. There are certain songs that will make me want to cry. I don't know what my life is turning out to be, but I guess nobody knows. I should be studying for my anthropology/calculus finals tomorrow, but I am a procrastinator. I can remember very specific points of my life, and sometimes it disappoints me when the person I share the memory with doesn't remember. I am an awkward person and I'm not really sure why anyone is friends with me. The end.

listening to: suzie (i love you) - michael bernard fitzgerald


weird stuff

I've been having weird dreams lately. Well, I don't really think they're dreams .. they are more like conversations with people that parallel reality but aren't actually true. I had a conversation with Cailey via text messages, even though a) my phone wasn't turned on and b) I was sleeping. I think she was apologizing for not replying to my text the pervious night. Another dream I had was that I didn't win the photo contest that Michael Bernard Fitzgerald had, and that some guy with a lame photo won instead. Except that he wasn't announcing winners until this evening, and this dream took place this morning. Seriously, brain, what's going on? Is it all the studying? I'm actually doing some, which is a relief because if midterms taught me anything, it's that I procrastinate A LOT and even when I think I'm doing lots, I'm doing nothing. I actually set myself up this time around so I can't access any website that would promote my procrastinating, which has lead to countless hours of studying. Yes! This thought is so run on, but that might be because it's 12:32 am. Also, I tend to think in this way. I had my computer science final this evening, and I really hope it went alright. I didn't have any time to check over because I had just managed to finish writing my program for the second written question. Which I did wrong! Which I didn't really know what I was doing and kinda just wrote something that made sense in my mind but might not make sense in real life! Agh! Computer science is such a hard test to write because over the year you get so use to writing all of your scripts on your computer, and so it catches all of your errors. When you write the actual exam, though, you have to make your brain the computer and process it. Which makes figuring out stuff like recursion hard! And syntax stuff! And even simple math makes me nervous! I just hope that the bell curve really plays on my side, and that I pass this course. If I was really setting my goals up high, I would hope for an A- but that is pretty lofty. I am hoping for A-'s in calc and anthropology, though. And maybe math 211. They are pretty doable. I need: an 85 on my calc final, a 90 on my anthro, and probably an 85 on my linear algebra exam. This weekend is going to be hardcore! Non-stop studying for two subjects at once, and then a three hour review session at the university to hopefully help me understand what the heck is going on with derivatives and integration! Because honestly, even though I understood it all no problem last year, my professor likes to take crazy numbers and transform them like nothin' cause it somehow works! And I don't know why! So hopefully this helps me out. I scraped a 72 on my calc midterm with pretty much no studying, so I feel like 85 is attainable. Nay, 90 is attainable! I'm going to ace this stinkin' test! There are a lot of exclamation points going on in this ridiculously long, run on paragraph. Anyway. I also need to maximize my studying tomorrow (which is actually today, because it is 12:39 am .. seriously. I am bad at going to bed early.) because on Sunday, I'm going to go have tea with Mikalina and Michael Bernard Fitzgerald. Because I did win that photo contest! Well, top five. I wonder how many people actually entered that contest ... actually no I don't. Well I do. I'm also wondering if the other winners will be in on this tea date too, because that'd be weird. Also, I am nervous for this encounter. I'm bad at not being awkward, and I'm scared of awkward situations. What is going to happen?! I don't know! I hope that I am charming and I present myself in a non-stupid manner. Maybe we will become friends! That would be fun. I feel bad for not owning any of his CDs .. his concert back at the beginning of the month was really good though! Hmm hmm hmm. Anyway. This is a sad excuse for an update on this blog that I now forget to update. Remember when I used to blog excessively? Nah, you don't. Back then there were two people who always read this blog! Now there are zero!

listening to: gold guns girls - metric