
f-f-f-factoid of the day

I figured I'd just lay out a list of things about myself for this post.  I think it'd be interesting to go back on it later in my life and think about how much I've changed.  So here goes:

  1. I hate yogurt.  Although it's been like this for pretty much all my life, I doubt it'll change anytime soon.  I hate the way it smells.  I think I had it once when I was seven or something like that, and it was the grossest thing ever.  I also dislike pie; I don't have good vibes about cooked fruit.
  2. When something is bothering me, I get extremely introverted and I stop talking about anything.  I think it's because when something is bothering me, it will occupy the majority of my mind, and I hate talking about my problems so I'll end up not saying anything at all.  This was discovered in the summer.  Whenever Gavin and I went for a walk or hung out at his house, and something was upsetting me, he'd always ask me why I wasn't saying anything.  And then sometimes I would open up to him and we'd start having conversations again.
  3. I have a hard time saying no to anything, which always leads me into conflicts or doing things I don't actually want to do.  I hate disappointing people.  I'm pretty spineless.  I wish I could tell people I don't want to do things they want me to do, but usually I just suck it up and do it.  Whenever people make plans, for example, and I don't want to go, I'll go anyways because I don't want to tell them the truth.
  4. I worry a lot about how people think about me.  Probably more than what's natural.  It leads me to be pretty timid, and a lot of the time I will formulate an action in my mind but I won't act on it until I confirm that people will approve.  It's terrible, I know, but I can't help it.  Everything I say is thought and contained in my brain minutes after they are conjured, and aren't released until I have triple checked that it's alright to say it.
  5. When I hear a really catchy song, I have to listen to it a million and one times, and I still would love it after that.  Case in point:  Willow Tree by Chad VanGaalen.  I listened to that song over 200 times.  In a row.  And I still love it.  I think I listened to Lemonade by The Neighbourhood Council like 50 times in a row.  Right now I am hooked on Stuck For The Summer by Two Hours Traffic.  If you have time you should check it out.
So that concludes my list for now, I am tired and today was not a good day so I'm going to go to bed and hopefully start fresh tomorrow.

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