
i have the equipment for that

I went out for tea with Jessica today, it was the first time I've seen her since the second week of September! We had a good long talk about drinking adventures and just random stuff in general. I love hanging out with her! I don't know why, but I always worry that we won't have anything to talk about, and every time I'm wrong. She is just such a great person.

After we went into some stores in Kensington, and talked to Sheila while she was working, I headed back to the train station and met up with Grace to go to Kim's house for our Disney marathon. We watched Toy Story! And The Grinch Who Stole Christmas! Then we popped open the sparkling wine Bonnie brought outside in her backyard, because we shook the bottle just to pop the cork. It was freezing outside, but so beautiful. We had some drinks, Bonnie showed off her Asian glow, and then we watched 101 Dalmations and finished it off with The Lion King. Although we didn't get to finish either, because we spent some time talking about what's been going on with everyone. Which was totally fine, I loved it either way. I got home and found out that my anthro prof changed the grade distribution so my former B+ is actually an A-! I was so happy! I've got another busy day tomorrow, so I guess I'll head off to bed because it is already almost 1:00?! Crazy.

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