
you will. you? will. you? will. you? will. you?

I will. Tomorrow. I hope. I'm just so scared.

I get made fun a lot in band class. Not really by anyone, but by Mr. Paddock, and sometimes it's just so flustering. I never know if he actually really dislikes me or if he does like me and teases me just because. Although, when I asked, "why??" he replied, "because you're a percussionist." Well. So I decide I want to hang out in the front with Aidan and Tamara, and he tells me that I need to have an instrument in order to be up there. So, Aidan gives me part of his oboe, and Mr. Paddock told me to play a note, and I just hummed one. He then told me that I had to play a instrument well, so I got shunned from the front row. Anyways, today I brought up the triangle, and then he said that I had to be able to play a scale on the triangle. And right before the entire band is supposed to play a scale, he tells me that I have to play a scale on the triangle - alone. So I just sang out the notes, and it turned out that I was in the entirely wrong key. So then we play through the scale, and he tells me to play it again, except with feeling. And so Henry gives me the note without anyone asking him to, and I sing it - with feeling - and humiliate the bejeezus out of myself. But anyways. The making fun of me thing went on for the entire warm up, when he'd make me play something on the triangle and then burn me about it. Then, when we're going through a song, and I'm playing the tambourine, after we finish he asks everyone to come up a word to describe my playing, and some people say stuff like "energetic" and "awesome" and some pretty good words, and I was totally expecting him to shut me down again. But then he told me that it was energetic and that the rest of the band should play like that! Mr. Paddock confuses me a lot. But I like band because of these reasons.

Not many other things happened today. I don't know how I did on my bio test, I'm pretty sure I screwed myself over. I sold half a box of chocolate almonds. During chemistry, Aidan and I drew muscle men from our litres, and had a competition on our quiz - whoever was slowest won. I won. After school I watched The Throwaways play and they were definitely really good! The screamo band after was .. different. My dad bought our Feist tickets today, but they currently aren't what we wanted, so we're trying to sell them and get better tickets via NOT TICKETMASTER. But I'm going to see Feist!

listening to: start a war - the national

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