
we couldn't laugh, we couldn't sing

What an amazing band class today! We set up so all of the chairs were in a rectangle, so everybody was sitting beside each other. It was Haley's birthday today, but she really seemed like she expected people to make a huge deal out of it, which was dumb in my opinion. The student teacher tried to have us play "happy birthday" during our warm up, and suddenly she was like, "I can play it on the piano, I memorized it." OH REALLY? I was under the impression that it was the hardest piece to play ever on the piano. She didn't even play it that well. And then when she had to sing to herself (which she gladly did), she sang it off-key. I thought that if you have to tune your instrument every day, you'd be able to sing the right key? Anyways.

We played the song that I play the triangle in, and that got me really excited. I sat beside Mikki and kept having to ask her what measure we were at. Every time she played this certain part, I'd high five her for making it through the whole thing. After, we had to move around so that you were sitting beside someone who didn't have the same instrument as you, so all of my friends and I sat together. Jocelyne dissed my triangle. I yelled about "the circle of safety".

Jocelyne and I went around after and made nicknames for people. Most people's nicknames are just their last names. Leslie is "Fraser". Tamara is "McQueen". Cailey is "Stubbs" (girl version?). Mikalina is "Carss." Keith is "Mister Rogers" (but he doesn't know it). Rebekah is "Green Lantern".

After class ended, Mr. Paddock called me back in a very menacing way. I thought he was going to hit me.

He looked me straight in the eye and said, "Have a good afternoon."

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