
i saw you singing with your hands, making shapes i don't understand

The concert last night was so beautiful. Kris Ellestad was extremely funny, with his water bottle and his spandex. The Norwegian dancing at the end was a nice touch. November Steppes was beautiful, although I wish he'd play The Secret too, but you can't always get what you want. After that, The Neighbourhood Council played, and their setup was really cool, and the music was loud and just washed me up from the inside. You couldn't help but love it. It was unfortunate that everyone moved in front of us, but somehow I managed to get to the front anyways, it was weird. But anyways. All of their sound combined together was just great, it's amazing how they are all only a couple years older than me too. The Ostrich played last, and Megan and Mikki had to leave right at the beginning of their set and a whole bunch of tall people moved in front of me and Leslie, where Mikki and Megan were standing before. But anyways. The Ostrich had a cool effect with a tiny television and an antenna, and every time the keyboardist moved waved his hand around the antenna, it make this really weird electronic sound, and they used it for most of their songs, and it was really fun to dance to because all of their songs were really fun.

And it's times like these I wish I was my sister. She introduced me to a bunch of her friends, who of course commented on how alike we look, and they all said something about the poster, which was nice. And she introduced me to Raphaelle, from The Neighbourhood Council, and she was really funny. She thought that our other sister would be really short, when that is definitely not the case.

When we got home, my sister and I stayed up and watched SNL for a while, and it was pretty nice. Although I sounded like an idiot the whole time, and my sister couldn't help but laugh.

listening to: only i - the neighbourhood council

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