
you're disappointed in the way she looks

I went to Cailey's house yesterday, and watched some Olympics before Mikki came over and we finally decided to watch the movie. Don't ever watch Smart People. Just don't. We spent the entire time complaining about how bad it was, and we didn't even think to turn off the movie and watch more Olympics. After the movie ended, anti-climatically, we decided to go to the playground. We hung around on the swings, and the spinning chairs, before we ran out to the field, and we ended up sitting in the middle of it and talking until Mikki finally had to go since she was biking home.

I have to work today, but after, my mom told me to hang out with Gavin because my family is going to my cousin's barbecue and my mom doesn't want to come to pick me up. And I'm kind of thankful for that!

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