
it's christmas time in the city

It's getting so much closer to Christmas, and I am so excited! It was a decent day today. The lab in bio wasn't too bad, and during English we talked to no end even though Mr. McMillan got really agitated at us. During my spare I chilled with Lindsay for a while, she is a sweet kid. After that I worked on my English, and the power went out. The majority of students doing their social studies essay on the computer were devastated as their work was forever lost.

Because the power went out, I couldn't find Diana and the other people I was supposed to meet up with, so I ended up meeting them at the mall about an hour later. There were so many people from school there, it was pretty insane. After they left, I ran into my Asian friends, and hung out with them for a while.

After the mall, I met up with Amelia, Cailey, and Megan and we headed out by Cailey's house and did some outdoor skating. I haven't gone skating in a while, and I forgot how much I loved it. It was so much fun just standing out, the wind blowing and snow falling heavily from the sky. I definitely didn't feel bitter then.

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