
broken hearts last for a million years

Today was busy, but I don't know if it was exciting. Basketball tryouts started today, and I don't think I did extremely well. I spend too much time comparing myself to other people, I spend too much time worrying. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow I will prove that I am capable of not sucking. But I'm not even that sure if I want to play basketball anymore. After all, it will take up so much time that I barely have. Basketball in the morning, basketball in the evening. It's hectic. Also, I don't think that one of the coaches likes me very much. She always has something to say about what I'm doing. Maybe I'm just doing everything wrong.

After school I put up posters for The Iconographer, all by myself. It felt kind of weird, as if I was putting up a bit of myself, giving a part of my soul away. Even though they were photocopied. The repetitive motion of putting up tape, and then slapping on the papers onto the walls nearly drove me insane.

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