
illuminate the 'no's on their vacancy signs

Oh dang, I haven't been updating this blog as much as I usually do. Either yesterday or the day before, I had something really witty or observational to say, but I forgot it.

And now I'm not so witty.

It was a long day at school today. Thursdays are so long now because of Wind Ensemble and Beauty and the Beast. It's actually scary about much music is engulfing my life right now. I'm still considering doing set drums for someone, I don't know. I don't know if it's sincerely because I want to, or if it's because of other obvious reasons. If it's for the latter, then I just shouldn't do it because that's stupid and so typically what a girl would do. And I don't like to stereotype. Wow, that did not make sense.

It was Henry's birthday yesterday, so today I sang Happy Birthday to him today, standing on a chair, in Chinese. Sometimes I wonder why I am so ridiculous, and if I am obnoxious, and if I'm just like everyone I dislike but I just can't see it.

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