
i took a running jump into the trees that left me paralyzed below the knees

Things have been good lately. This weekend has been really good. On Wednesday after school Aidan asked me if I wanted to wait with him until his dad came to pick him up, which was kind of weird because it's usually me that suggests that, except I had already told Bonnie that I would walk with her to the university and hang out with her. Except after he asked me that I really wished I didn't make plans, and now I don't know if nothing or everything could have happened. But anyways.

I went to the dentist on Thursday, which wasn't the most pleasant time because it makes me as guilty as when I go to church. Plus, my gum's cut now after the hygienist did the polishing. I went to Gavin's house in the evening and we played pool, and his dad still scares me a bit. We went to see Jumper at 10:25, and it was absolutely horrible. Gavin drove us home after and we couldn't stop cracking jokes about "jumping". They made fun of how all of my songs were slow, and so now I have to make him a CD with fast songs on it.

Bonnie and I went to Kaitlyn's house on Friday for a "Disney Movie Night", although it was only the three of us since Chelsea was unavailable and Kim's in Victoria, and we couldn't get anyone else to come on short notice. On the way to her house, Adam called me and asked me to work, which was an absolute downer, because it meant leaving Kaitlyn's at 5, which was definitely not what we planned, but I can never say no and I knew I'd feel bad after, so I agreed. At Kaitlyn's we played Rock Band which I now can't wait to get, and we watched The Aristocats, because it was only 79 minutes long, and by the time we had to leave, I wish we didn't. But I guess in the long run, working those three hours would have been the better choice? It was, after all, like 40 extra dollars.

I worked the next day, and it didn't feel too slow. Nic is helping me get 20 Leaderboard members, so we're going to alternate who gets the $10. We managed to get it today, but Brian left early and Raegan was busy, but oh well. We have a new apparel manager, but I don't like her very much. Her personality is just .. weird. Plus it's annoying when I'm counting the till and she comes over just to complain about how we have ten minutes left. Fifteen minutes after we were closed, and I was done counting the till, a guy pays for his clubs that cost over 900 bucks. With 20s. It was ridiculous.

I have to admit, I like it when my older sister comes into our room in the middle of the night to just talk. The poster is done, we will be printing soon. THE SHOW IS IN LESS THAN A MONTH! I'm going skating today!

And I shall leave you this mp3 that you should listen to:
Kris Ellestad - The Secret
It's amazing.

listening to: veetechbeatsmart - chad vangaalen

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