
i'm really sorry but my eyes got really heavy, and the last thing i remember is your smile

This blog sure has been lacking. It's not like I'm too busy, it's just that .. other things come up. But that's okay. Things have been pretty hectic. This weekend I had a panic attack because I had so little homework done and so little time. But, nonetheless, it was a good weekend, and I did manage to get my homework done.

Last Friday I went to the zoo with the bio class, and it was so much fun. I met up with Kim, Kaitlyn, Chelsea, Justine, and Bonnie at Dalhousie to catch the 8:18 train, and then we met up with Rachel and Catrin at Brentwood. Catrin was actually supposed to meet us at Dalhousie too, but she took the train right before ours. Nancy was at the Banff Trail station, but she was at the opposite side because she misinterpreted our "front of the train" direction. Rachel saw her at the other side, so she and I bolted for the cart, and I caught it right when the door was closing. It was exciting. We had to run all the way back at the next stop. At Centre Street, we saw Joash and so we all went along our way to the zoo.

The primates stuff was kind of interesting. We watched the gorillas eat pinatas, which was a bit anti-climatic, and after we got to observe the other primates. They are pretty cool! We took so many pictures. At lunch we bought a lot of fries, and I got icecream. When we were done the class part, a bunch of us went around the zoo on our own. We saw the giraffes, the baby elephant, the sting rays, the hippos, the red pandas, the tigers, the nocturnal animals, the kangaroo, the camels, birds, reptiles .. a lot alot of animals. It was a lot of fun. We took the train back down to the NW and it was an all-around good time.

Later I went to Gavin's house and we had band practice. We worked on a song I started writing and we got it all developed and recorded, and the guys all said it was one of our best songs, even though it was "sappy rock". I just like to call it awesome. Right now I'm in the progress of writing lyrics for it, which is actually taking a while because my ability to write has been very limited lately. So far, the inspiration comes to me late at night, when I'm exhausted and just wanting to go to sleep. I'll have to read what I've written sometime soon .. I hope it's all legible. But anyways.

On Saturday I worked, and my closest friend at work quit that day. He got another job at the airport, fueling airplanes, which is a wicked job but I'm still sad that he's leaving. He made working really fun. Not like it's not enjoyable when he's not there, but still. I always thought that he'd always be there. Next Saturday is his last day. After work, I went to Megan's house and we had Indian food and watched Star Wars. It took us such a long time to get through Episode I because twice the DVD player went really funky, and the other two times Cailey accidentally leaned on the plug and shut everything down. We talked through the whole thing, and took weird pictures of the screen and everything, it was really fun. And then we paused through the movie and played foozeball. When Gavin got there, we watched Episode IV, which was interesting but wasn't as great as I thought it was going to be. But by that time, it was really late and I was exhausted.

We went to church for the first time in a long time on Sunday. After that was our band festival, and we got a gold freaking award because we are that awesome. I thought it sounded pretty good. The clinic was very long, though.

But anyways. Yesterday wasn't too exciting, except that I studied way too hard for my bio test today, and didn't process any of the information and I probably did very badly on the test. Since the grade tens had their band festival performance today, we got to have a spare instead of band. But I decided to stay with Tamara, who couldn't go home because her feet hurt too much to walk. We went to the library and tried to do homework, but failed at that. We found out who the mysterious caller was (Hannah). We went back to the band room and discovered that Ryley and Henry turned all the chairs and stands upside down, which was so, so awesome. Henry just was so awesome today. Ryley promised me that I would get my money's worth tomorrow, which was cool. But anyways. I'm done my homework, I might get a frappacino tomorrow, and my parents are arguing about real estate.

listening to: ending start - metric

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