
a map is more unreal than where you've been or how you feel

I was so productive up to English. In math I finished the review before class ended. In bio we did a lab and then watched laser disks. In chemistry I read four chapters of Huckleberry Finn for English. In English .. well we talked about the book, but didn't really do anything. We had conversations with Sam, which was weird. It was even stranger that it was all natural.

Cailey, Sheila, Aidan, and I all agreed that it would be way easier to just record your answers through spoken word and handing it in that way, rather than writing it. I expressed my wish to own a dictaphone so I could record all of my thoughts, to which Tamara replied, "just break both your arms, and then you can do that." Which is obviously the best quote ever, which is why I'd take the time to write it out, but not any quote or reference from Huckleberry Finn. Tamara was just so ridiculous (not ridiculus) today.

listening to: first day of my life - bright eyes

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