
i know that i'm yours and you will be mine

I leave in approximately an hour and fifty minutes, to head off to Rocky Mountain House to play provincials. I'm so excited, this is the tournament I want to do well in. I want to qualify for a team, and play well, and just not embarrass myself. It's already going to be better than last year; this year I've practiced and I think I'm ready.

In fact, Gavin and I went out to the golf course yesterday so I could get practice in. I am so glad we got to hang out. We headed out there, and the first few holes I did not play very well, but I figured out why so the last holes were really easy. I almost got a hole in one! We kissed in the rain, as lightning and thunder roared over us, while waiting for the group in front of us to be out of hitting distance. It started raining pretty hard, and the lightning started getting pretty close, but we managed to finish playing nine holes.

After golf, we went to his house to watch Extreme Days, his favorite movie of all time. I liked it, but I liked being with him even more. After the movie ended, we just sat there on his couch. At one point, we stared into each other's eyes, nose to nose, and he looked so serious I was almost scared for a moment, like if something was wrong, or if something bad was going to happen. We were silent for minutes that felt way too long, until he finally said, in the quietest voice, "you are so beautiful".

And then I forgot to grab my golf stuff out of his car after he dropped me off at my house.

listening to: kc accidental - broken social scene

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