
called for you everywhere

There are ups and downs, and today was definitely an up kind of day, weird as it was. It started out with Kim picking me up to go to the theatre with her, her sister, and Chelsea. We went to Boston Pizza for a extremely long lunch, which was pretty good because 1)I didn't have breakfast so I was extremely hungry and 2)I ordered chicken tenders, which might just be my favorite food. I blame Ali and golf clubhouses. Chicken tenders and plum sauce is just too good.

We made it to the theatre just on time, and they ripped me off on M&Ms. We watched Twilight, which wasn't the best movie of my life but it wasn't the worst. It was mediocre. I had a good time nonetheless with the people I was hanging out with, though. I like listening to people, especially when I don't have anything to say.

I got home to an empty house, so I decided to play piano for forty minutes. I just practiced this one song that I really like but haven't played in a while. Final Fantasy is the man. When my mom and sister got home, my sister drove me to her friend's apartment because it was the only way I'd be able to get to my friend's concert on 17th Ave. We watched Gossip Girls, which I have to admit I'm a bit interested in, now that I've watched to episodes. Right as we speak, I am downloading the entire season one on my computer. Thank goodness for BitTorrents and external hard drives. The estimated time remaining for the download is about 3 days and 19 hours, though.

My sister dropped me off at Tubby Dog at 7:20, and my friend Jessica's band, The Throwaways, didn't start playing until probably 7:50. I ran into some of my friends (or people I was kind of acquainted with), and we definitely didn't fit in. The show was definitely for the punk scene, and I am not punk. The most punk thing about the whole of us was Karisa's skull patterned shoes. And believe me, they weren't punk (or "hardcore") at all. Jessica's set was only about fifteen minutes long, so we left shortly after because it just felt so weird and out of place. We went to a book store down the street, and Abbey bought a bunch of VHS tapes. I had some good conversations with Kate and Karisa, which was cool because I don't really know them very well. But they're really funny and it's nice to laugh. I couldn't get a hold of my sister, so thankfully Kate's dad drove me home, because I didn't want to hang out alone downtown, with a whole lot of drunk punks around. More interesting conversations ensued. I had a good time.

Last night I went to Gavin's worship at his church. I enjoyed it; it's given me a new perspective on things. I met some cool people, and I might just go to youth and the other small groups stuff that happens there. Who knows?

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