
i'm not sorry it's over, i'm not sorry there's nothing to say

On the day that the first Black president was elected, I wore my CJSW toque to school. I got yelled at by my parents. I sent the first issue of The Iconographer to be printed. My life is not exciting in any shape or form, which is depressing because where is everyone I used to hang out with all of the time? What happened to my weekend plans, and the Friday night adventure? I need to get in touch with some people. I wish I lived closer to cooler places, so I could just go and hang out whenever. Instead, I live on the peak of a hill, which makes it tough to be able to bike anywhere. Plus, I have a super paranoid mom who won't let me bike anywhere. Maybe one day I will buy another disposable camera, so I have an excuse to lead an exciting life. I really love photographs. I also decided that I either want a million disposable cameras, or one super nice DSLR camera. One or the other.

Gavin and I just had a really enjoyable talk, it seemed pretty normal. We had our battle of synonyms. We talked about television, and The Birdseed Shirt, and hockey. Somebody owes somebody else a hug. I guess secretly (well not so secretly anymore) I am still trying to win his heart. It's not working, but we're becoming better friends than before.

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