
but me i'm not a gamble, you can count on me to split

Work was fantastic today, it wasn't really boring at all. A couple hours in, Greg realized that I was getting a lot of people to sign up for our store's membership, so he told me that if I got twenty people to sign up he would give me ten bucks that I could spend in Golf Town, so that definitely made things interesting. Some people were pretty hard to get to sign up, I have to admit. It was nice, however, that most of the guys told me they would help me out. Even though only Ed managed to get some people to sign up - my last three! So yeah. The day went by pretty fast. Next weekend is Sumo Saturday and Stephen Ames will be coming in, so that will be pretty exciting. Adam is quite the person. "Hey Adam, guess what's coming up? Chinese New Year!" "But you're KOREAN!"

I can't wait for the next few days coming up, they are going to be a whole lot of fun.

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