
they all need to be a cause

Days like these make me wish I had the house to myself more. It's not like I took advantage of it and did something I wouldn't do if my parents were here, like what Jessica told me to do the last time I was home alone, but I just basked in it and studied. Music sounds better when it's the only thing you can hear, and there isn't your brother playing piano and the sound of conflict raging in the background. It's a lot easier to think.

I studied pretty much for all of the day. Well, until I turned on my computer. After that, I just got distracted. I don't think I really need to study anymore, though. Whenever I read over a sentence in the textbook, my brain barely processes it, because it feels like I already know it. I'm scared that I don't actually know all of the information, though. On Friday my social studies teacher told me that she was expecting that I'd get a 80, which made me panic a bit. I don't want a 80, I want a 90. I don't want my mark to go down and be under 90 because I've been doing so well in social studies until that final essay.

In the text book is a whole chapter on art and music that we didn't study in class. The pictures and the artwork and all of the descriptions of the artists' methods and thoughts are all so intriguing, I doubt I'll have to know about van Gogh and Beethoven on the exam but I really felt the need to read it. Until I got up to the technology part. I really didn't want to read about steam power.

listening to: lover's spit - broken social scene

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