
i could fill up the lake with all the things i didn't say

I've been having a really good break, I have to admit. It's been really busy; I think I've spent a total of two days at home so far. New Year's Eve was pretty fun. Heather and I hung out for her birthday, and we did a whole bunch of stuff and did a lot of catching up. After that I headed home for dinner, and then left to go to Kaitlyn's. My sisters got really mad that I was going to a sleepover for the second time in a week. I met Kaitlyn's friends from Edmonton, who were really funny. We watched The Covenant for a while before getting really bored and skipping to the fight scene (which was also quite boring). After that we played DDR and Guitar Hero, which is awesome and I can't wait to get. We missed the countdown because we were playing, and so we drank the champagne at 12:01. I downed mine too fast to get over the gross taste, and ended up getting a pretty bad headache for a while. We ate ice cream at 1, and went to bed at around 2, I think. I had to get up the next morning "early" to go to work, so when I left, pretty much everyone else was still asleep.

Work was extremely, extremely slow. After all, why would you shop on New Year's Day? GST dropped to 5%, and that messed up my whole return process. Closing up the store was really easy since we didn't sell that much. It was entertaining watching my managers vent about being at work.

After work, we went to my aunt's house to celebrate New Year's, and we all actually bonded. It was kind of like when we were a lot younger, and had birthday parties, and we'd all sit around and play card games or video games, and other stuff like that. After dinner, we played President, and that game was amusing to no end. It got so intense. "WHY ARE YOU HIGH FIVING HER? SHE'S THE ENEMY!" We played for probably two hours. We ended with me being the president, after being president first and then moving down, and moving back up again. We ended to play Cranium, which was really fun because we got pretty intense with that too. In our second game, my sisters and I were all on a team, and we had this weird "sisterly bond" going on where we could figure out what we were getting at when it seemed really random. My throat hurt after from all the yelling.

Today I went out skating with Doug, Diana, Susan, and Gianna, which was good even though only the five of us went when we expected more people to show. We didn't skate for long before heading to Diana's house for hot chocolate. We watched the ending of Transformers. We took a lot of pictures with our phones. After everyone else left, Diana and I took a lot of pictures on her carpet, which is really comfy. They all looked so ridiculous. We also tried to take a lot of pictures of her dog.

So I guess that is kind of the end of my winter break, seeing as I'm not allowed to go out anywhere so I can study. But I guess it'll be good for me to study, seeing as I'm having a bit of trouble in bio and I want to raise my mark. Hopefully I won't drive myself crazy, though. It's not that much longer until it's back to school, and I see everyone once again. I'm kind of looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to having band again, I'm not going to lie. I guess being back at school won't be too bad, it'll just be the learning part that will suck.

listening to: this is the dream of win and regine - final fantasy

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