
i've seen the hardest people soften in the spotlight

Enough things happened this weekend. I must be the worst planner in the history of people who have ever planned stuff. Well, maybe not, but really, it wasn't good.

The first reason I am not a good planner is the fact that I rarely even check my calendar to even check if I'm busy. Because you know, there's nothing better than being oblivious to the fact that you were supposed to referee a soccer game for some eleven year old kids that Saturday morning. So, instead, you go out and eat some pancakes with sausages, go look on Facebook for a little while, then read a book.

The second reason is I am truly terrible with communication. I told my friend, Cecilia, that I would meet her at the C-Train station at 12:10. I also told her to take the 199 to get to the movie theatre, and later realized that a completely different bus would take us to the movie theatre, and that the 199 doesn't even show up during the time we're planning to go. And to top that off, my dad tells me that he'll just pick her up and take us to the theatre. And I don't even call her. And my other friend? I call the house she's staying in once, to discover that nobody's home. So what do I do? I don't bother calling again.

My dad and I got to the C-Train station at 12:05. I then spent forty five long minutes waiting for her before getting extremely pissed and walking back to my dad's car. We then check the next stop to make sure that she didn't accidentally go there. She didn't. By the time we got to the theatre, I was half an hour late for the movie we wanted to see, and I wasn't even sure if either of them had shown up.

My dad managed to persuade the guy checking tickets to let me into the theatre to look for my friends. I rush in, blindly, looking for either of them, but of course, you couldn't see anything in that theatre. I'm about to trudge out of the theatre when what. the. fuck. Cecilia is standing right in front of me, trying to catch my attention.

We walk out of the theatre and start shouting (well not really) at each other. Then we suddenly wonder why our other friend isn't there. I call her number and there she is. At home. While we're at the movies, half an hour into the show. After asking her why she wasn't where we were, she explains to us that I never called her, so she didn't go. Cecilia and I stare at each other in disbelief. We end up just watching it without her. Even though we basically planned it so we can see her, since she lives in Chicago and was only in town for one more week. Talk about fucked up. The rest of the day was pretty alright, though.

Today I spent the evening having some 'family time' with my siblings. Who really does that anymore? We started out playing Mario Kart, but had to stop for dinner. Which was a good thing, because I was kicking their asses, and it was pissing off my older sister. After dinner, we played Life. Pirates Of The Caribbean style. But we didn't just play it once; we played it twice. We are really too competitive. I have to admit, though, that it truly was funny when my sister pretty much flung her plastic cup of water off the table, and we sat there for five minutes laughing our asses off.

By the way, I'm still feeling really guilty about missing that soccer game.

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