
deep in my membrane, the phantoms they play

I have a lot of thoughts going through my mind. Mainly lyrics from some many songs.

Cause I miss you like I miss you. Look out upon the Myriad Harbour. Such a lovable land to me. My dad told me that he'll get me those Ping clubs, as long as I practice and work on my golf game. Which is exactly what I'm planning on doing. I've decided that every day I'm not golfing, I should go outside and practice. If I'm ever online anything at 8:00 from now on, ask me why.

I didn't play as well as I did yesterday. I could blame on the fact that I didn't play with the Ping clubs, but I know that that isn't true. My back nine was pretty terrible. I didn't actually feel bad about it, though, because after, when my friends and I went in for the meal, I had such a great time. Those girls are hilarious. Allison's lack of food, Brecken's problem with getting out of her chair, my junk food bet, salt and pepper, freaking out when Allison flipped open her cell phone at me, poking each other with tees, "GO SIT WITH THE TABLE OF CHAMPIONS!", Allison's golf tan, my broad shoulders, "If you don't sit with me, I'll kill you" ... oh man. That hour alone made up for the four hours before.

My tee time tomorrow is at 9:30. Which means that under normal circumstances, I would be able to at least sleep in until 7:30 at the latest. But no, instead I have to get up at 6:00 so my friend, Jennifer, who is totally pro by the way, can give me a ride to the golf course. Seriously, why do they have to go at 6:30 when she tees up at 8:54 ?!

And that's a fact, so come on back.

listening to: detective daughter - emily haines & the soft skeletons

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