
we won't ever feel the storm

So I was going to talk about my golf game, but it was just too horrendous to talk about. Instead, I will try to find something else to talk about.

Six months ago, in January, my sisters and I swore off of junk food. Chocolate, icecream, pie ... even french fries are not allowed. However, we were allowed one exception per month (my mom's idea; she thought we'd drive ourselves crazy if we didn't get at least a little bit of sugar. We didn't exactly object.), and two cans of pop per month. We were to last six months, and if you caved, you had to pay up twenty-five bucks to the person who lasts the longest.

My younger sister conceded first. She lasted four months before giving up, hollering "I can't do this anymore! I. NEED. CHOCOLATE." She then went directly to our pantry and pulled out a box of chocolates.

Yesterday was the last day of the six months. My older sister and I are still going for it. Actually, she lost after three months, but she wanted to be back in the competition because she didn't want to eat unhealthy anymore. She has to pay forty dollars instead of twenty-five. But now that we're past six months, it's sudden death; we no longer have any exceptions. Plus, we've banned a lot of things that we could eat before. We're not allowed to eat pizza, hot dogs, or popcorn anymore.

Sometimes, I honestly do feel like giving up, but I am way too competitive. I really hate losing. It's one of the many, many, many flaws to my character.

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