
if the dizzying highs don't subside

I over analyze everything to the DEATH. Even the simplest comment sets my brain off. I spend so much of my time worrying about certain actions. It gets to the point where I'm obsessing over things I said hours ago, and I'm trying to decipher a laugh from months before.

Last night, I was trying to answer a question for English asking for the poet's feelings on a certain line. I couldn't get it. When I finally asked my dad, he gave me the answer that I had known, but refused to use. I kept thinking that there was a deeper underlying message to the whole poem that I couldn't see. I'm always doing that. I can never accept the fact that the answer could be that obvious. My mind can't grasp the fact that things could be that simple.

I wish I could turn my brain off sometimes.

listening to: it's cool to love your family - feist

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