
you're smart, for a girl

I had a spare and the Terry Fox run was this morning, so I got to sleep in. I woke up five whole minutes later than I usually do! And I got to school in time for my spare. It was perfect timing. I spent the time writing a note to Abbey, which I think may be the best note I have ever written.

During band I played the triangle, which is the most amazing percussion instrument to play. Not even lying. Well, the crank instrument thingy is pretty cool too. I sat beside my trumpet friends while I played, because standing in the percussion section gets lonely, and it is just more fun to demonstrate how I play the triangle for eight whole measures!

After school, Heather and I went to go pick up her ticket, and it was my very first internet person encounter. She was about half an hour late, but she was nice and it took at the most two minutes. We ran into her again when we were getting Subway.

We ate in a park, which was very good for my soul. And then we played hide-and-seek. I loved it.

listening to: i feel it all - feist

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